Higher Learning


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This is an achievement that simply requires you to read a few books in Dalaran.  However, they have a long spawn timer, and there is no guarantee when they do spawn that they won't be "fake" books instead of the ones needed for the achievement.  The reward is the vanity pet above, and a book: The Schools of Arcane Magic - Mastery

Couple of links and addons to help you get that new pet reward:



Higher Learning addon (available here): Lets you track known spawn times for the books and produce output that you can announce.

Dalaran University addon (available here): Shares the timer information among all people on the server who have the Higher Learning addon installed, so you can sync up your times even if you just logged on.

The combination of these addons produces a table that shows on your screen the next likely spawn time of a book, shades out those books you already have, and shows if someone else with the addon is "watching" one of the spawn points (it classes a spawn point as being "watched" when an addon user is in close proximity of a spawn point). 

Regardless of whether you have this addon on "view" (to show it you can type /du show ), it will report in the chat window when a book has been discovered, together with spawn point.  It will also give you a "raid warning" type message when a book is found to be "real", together with location, so that you can make haste to that location!

The only problem with these addons is that it does rely on other people having it as well (it will connect to its own "network" on login to check the timer on books, or use your own if it hasn't passed the likely spawn time since your last login), but at a minimum it will help you keep track of which books you already have, and how long is left until a spawn is likely.

No FB Yes FB Hand (smaller) Lap 40.063em Desk 64.063em Wall 90.063em